NASA Eddy Cross-Disciplinary Symposium
This Event has been postponed until Spring or Summer of 2025.
More information will be posted here once those details are decided.
This year's theme: Star-Planet Interactions in the Solar System and Beyond
Meeting Objective
The NASA 5th Eddy Cross-Disciplinary Symposium is presented in collaboration with NASA's Living With a Star Program and the Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS). This ongoing series of events bring together great minds across the interdisciplinary field of heliophysics. It continues the legacy of the frontier-thinking, cross-disciplinary gathering that the Eddy Symposia have come to define. Each symposium has a unique theme, and within part of its framework, scientific discussions, and creative-thinking sessions, three specialized themes are explored.
This year's theme will be examined through lenses utilized by three working groups established in previous Eddy Symposia, and their 2023 summary reports are included here:
- The Interconnection of Sun, Climate, and Society
- Risk and Resiliency to Space Weather Disruption
- (Exo)Planetary Atmosphere: the Impact of Stars and Solar Physics on Habitability & Life Working Group Report
Previous Symposia Results
Borne from the 3rd Symposium was a white paper "How Open Data and Interdisciplinary Collaboration Improve Our Understanding of Space Weather: A Risk & Resiliency Perspective," as well as a new publication in Frontiers. Additionally, we have a video on how this mix of great minds was able to greatly expand the data analysis capacity of a Ph.D. student present. Check out an article on this event as well as 2i2c's blog.
Learn more about these symposia including access to detailed agendas, talks on YouTube, and abstracts for the following symposia.'
- 5th Eddy Cross-Disciplinary Symposium
- 4th Eddy Cross-Disciplinary Symposium
- 3rd Eddy Cross-Disciplinary Symposium
- 2nd Eddy Cross-Disciplinary Symposium