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What is heliophysics?

Heliophysics is the integrated study of the Sun, its planets, and space environment as a dynamic system. It focuses on the Sun's turbulent magnetic activity and its effects on the upper atmosphere of Earth, as well as on other solar system planets and the surrounding heliosphere.

It encompasses many areas of inquiry: cosmic rays and particle acceleration, space weather and radiation, dust and magnetic reconnection, solar activity and stellar cycles, aeronomy and space plasmas, magnetic fields and global change, and the interactions of the solar system with our galaxy.

How does Heliophysics benefit us?

Heliophysics has great value for two reasons. It is critical in understanding space weather and its potentially crippling impacts on our vital technologies: our satellites, communications and navigation signals, and power grids. This understanding guides our mitigation strategies. 

Heliophysics also teaches us about habitability. In studying the Sun’s changing effects on planetary atmospheres, we can learn by proxy about another star’s effects on the atmospheres of its exoplanets. This knowledge will support our search for life elsewhere in the universe.


Colorful sun image on black background

Heliophysics Summer School 2024

UCAR Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS) partners with NASA to hold the Heliophysics Summer School each year. The 2024 NASA Heliophysics Summer School was held in Boulder, CO on August 14-22, 2024. 

See the Presentations from the Summer School

Explore the Sun-Earth connection

For grad students & early postdocs

Focus on the physics and impacts of Sun-generated
space weather events

For early-career PhDs

Perform cross-disciplinary research under
experienced scientist mentors at U.S. institutions

For faculty & students

Access presentations, problem sets and solutions,
textbooks, and more from past Summer Schools

For researchers & engineers

Collaborate to outline new space weather research
that will critically improve an existing technology area

Photo of three women looking at computer screen

Partners in nurturing a new science

NASA and CPAESS logos


NASA's Living With a Star Program (LWS) and UCAR Community Programs' Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS) partnered in 2006 to launch the Heliophysics Summer School. Since then they have worked to foster heliophysis as an integrated science, teaching a new generation of researchers to engage in cross-disciplinary communication.

See the history behind the partnership