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Dr. Gareth Perry

Assistant Professor
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research
161 Warren Street
(973) 596-5802
Research interests
My research focuses on the the Magnetosphere- Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MIT) system, its interconnections, and plasma dynamics. In general, my research goals are to understand the link between MIT coupling and plasma structuring in the sub-auroral to polar-latitude ionosphere, and to characterize how MIT coupling and its associated processes impact the continental and global radio wave propagation conditions. In particular, I am interested in high frequency (HF) radio wave propagation and scattering, and the impact of space weather events on these processes.
Candidate's preferred background
My projects are likely most attractive to candidates who have a background in data analysis, computer simulations and modeling (e.g., ray tracing), and/or radio science.