Jack Eddy Hosts Database
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Displaying 1 - 132 of 132Title | Organization | Department | Location | Research Interests |
Phillip Anderson | University of Texas at Dallas | Physics | Richardson, TX | Space Science |
Spiro K Antiochos | NASA/GSFC | Heliophysics | Greenbelt, MD | Theory and modeling of solar/heliospheric activity. Develop models for the major drivers of space weather such as coronal mass ejections and eruptive flares, and test/refine these models with data from LWS missions. |
Irfan Azeem | ASTRA | San Antonio, TX | Space climate; solar variability effects on the mesosphere and thermosphere; auroral morphology and dynamics | |
Stuart D. Bale | University of California, Berkeley | Space Sciences Laboratory | Berkeley, CA | plasma turbulence, collisionless shocks, solar wind acceleration and heating, electric field and wave measurements, experimental techniques |
Timothy Stephen Bastian | National Radio Astronomy Observatory | Charlottesville, VA | Solar chromosphere and corona; flares; CMEs; solar wind Stellar activity; exoplanets; planetary magnetospheres Data inversion; radio instrumentation I primary use radio telescopes on the ground and in space to explore the above topics. These include the Jansky Very Large Array, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, the Nobeyama Radioheliograph, the Nancay Radioheliograph, and the Arecibo Observatory. I typically supplement radio observations with X-ray, EUV/UV, and optical observations. |
Amitava Bhattacharjee | Princeton University | Astrophysical Sciences | Princeton, NJ | |
Prof. Jacob Bortnik | UCLA | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | I am primarily interested in the physics of the inner magnetosphere, the radiation belts, and the intricacies of the excitation, propagation, and wave-particle interactions that control radiation belt dynamics. I deal with both numerical simulation, data analysis (ground and space-based), and applications of machine learning to system modeling/prediction. |
Prof. Stephen J. Bradshaw | Rice University | Physics and Astronomy | Houston, TX | * Astrophysics of the Sun: heating in the solar atmosphere; onset and evolution of flares; acceleration of the slow solar wind; forward modeling and visualization; machine learning techniques for comparing predicted observables with instrument data; spectroscopic diagnostics. * Fundamental Plasma Physics: fluid vs. kinetic approaches; energy transport; non-equilibrium and non-local processes; turbulence; ultra-cold and strongly-coupled plasmas in the laboratory. * Numerical modeling: multi-fluid and hybrid (fluid/kinetic) methods; capturing multi-scales and cross-scale coupling; shocks and discontinuities; approximation schemes to increase speed and efficiency; adaptive grids. |
Dr Kirk Bryan | Princeton University | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program | Princeton, NJ | Ocean Modeling |
Enrico Camporeale | University of Colorado, Boulder | CIRES & NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center | Boulder, CO | Application of Machine Learning to Space Weather problems. Examples include solar wind and geomagnetic condition forecasting, radiation belt, inverse problems for system identification, uncertainty quantification. Emphasis is placed on the grey-box approach by combining machine learning and physics-based models. |
Troy Carter | UCLA | Physics and Astronomy | Los Angeles, CA | Waves, instabilities, turbulence and transport in magnetized plasmas. Magnetic confinement fusion energy. |
Rebeca Centeno | National Center for Atmospheric Research | High Altitude Observatory (HAO) | Boulder, CO | Solar magnetic fields. Spectro-polarimetry. Radiative transfer. Spectral line inversions. Photosphere. Chromosphere. Quiet Sun. Active Regions. Solar cycle. Spicules. Filaments. Waves. |
Supriya Chakrabarti | University of Massachusetts, Lowell | Lowell Center for Space Science and Technology (LoCSST) | Lowell, MA | My heliophysics research interests include experimental studies of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere, their coupling and their response to solar activity. We pursue these activities through the development and deployment of ground- and space-based imaging spectrographs and the development and use of state-of-the-art data analysis tools. Recently, we have developed sensors capable of ground-based, round-the-clock observation of faint airglow and auroral emissions, highly sensitive EUV/FUV spectral imagers (one currently flying aboard the ISS) and a full-waveform lidar for imaging trees in forests. These activities have led to one of our current projects to directly image exoplanetary environments. Finally, SPACE HAUC, our current NASA USIP undergraduate student project, is a 3U CubeSat designed to demonstrate X-band beam steering. It is scheduled for flight later this year. |
Anthony Chan | Rice University | Physics and Astronomy | Houston, TX | Basic plasma physics, including the excitation and propagation of plasma waves, and their effects on particle acceleration and transport, especially acceleration and transport of energetic particles in space plasmas. I am particularly interested in the theory and simulation of the dynamics of relativistic electrons in magnetospheric electromagnetic fields, including motion in large-scale fields and in a variety of plasma waves. Relativistic electrons are of great interest because these particles are potentially harmful to technological systems and to humans in space but it is not well understood quantitatively how they are accelerated to such high energies and in such large numbers. |
Prof. Bin Chen | New Jersey Institute of Technology | Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research | Newark, NJ | My primary interest is on dynamic phenomena of the Sun, with a focus on high-energy aspects of solar flares and coronal mass ejections. My research utilizes a new generation of radio telescopes, including the Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), and the state-of-the-art, solar-dedicated radio telescope: the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array (EOVSA; operated by our group at NJIT). I am also interested in combining the radio observations with optical/IR, (E)UV, and X-ray data from a variety of instruments (including BBSO, RHESSI, SDO, Hinode, IRIS) to disentangle the complexity involved in the particle energization, plasma heating, and other dynamic physical processes. |
Prof. Lunjin Chen | The University of Texas at Dallas | Physics | Richardson, TX | I study the interaction between electromagnetic waves and charged particles in the Earth’s magnetosphere, specifically wave generation and propagation and the effect of waves on energetic electrons and ions. One of my goals is to understand the variability of radiation belts and quantify the effect of wave-particle interaction on the radiation belts. |
Nan Chen | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Mathematics | Madison, WI | Modeling, Analyzing, and Predicting Complex Systems, Especially Geophysical Systems; Uncertainty Quantification and Prediction; Data Assimilation; Stochastic Dynamical and Statistical Models; Machine Learning; Information Theory; High-Dimensional Data Analysis. |
Dr. Georgios Chintzoglou | Lockheed Martin Solar & Astrophysics Laboratory | Palo Alto, CA | My research focuses on the study of the Sun as the source of Space Weather near Earth. I’m interested in the physics of solar magnetism, with an emphasis on solar active region evolution and activity, magnetic flux emergence and decay, and initiation of solar flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) from a theoretical, observational/experimental perspective. To understand what triggers explosive activity in solar active regions, I combine advanced analysis techniques on solar observations (e.g., from the HMI and AIA instruments aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory SDO as well as from other space-borne and ground-based instrumentation) with state-of-the-art numerical experiments (from data-driven non-linear force-free magnetic field modeling to radiative MHD simulations). |
Ofer Cohen | University of Massachusetts Lowell | Physics & Applied Physics | Lowell, MA | MHD modeling of the solar corona and solar wind; stellar coronae and stellar winds, solar cycle, heliophysics and space weather, the interaction of planets and exoplanets with stellar winds, atmospheric escape from exoplanets and planet habitability. |
Richard Collins | University of Alaska Fairbanks | Geophysical Institute | Fairbanks, AK | Understanding the coupling of space weather and meteorology through observational and modeling studies. Remote sensing of middle and upper atmosphere. |
Geoff Crowley | ASTRA | Boulder Office | San Antonio, TX | Data analysis, data assimilation, modeling of the thermosphere and ionosphere, ionospheric response to solar variability, space weather systems development. |
Bart De Pontieu | Lockheed Martin Solar & Astrophysics Laboratory | Palo Alto, CA | - high-resolution observations and numerical modeling of the coupling between the solar photosphere, chromosphere, and corona/solar wind - machine learning techniques aimed at improving diagnostics of solar atmosphere and improving space weather predictions - observations and modeling of irradiance variations (in particular Mg II index) and their effects on Earth's upper atmosphere |
Dr. Craig E DeForest | Southwest Research Institute | Boulder, CO | Magnetic energy storage in the solar corona; plasma-field interactions in the solar corona; origin of the solar wind; turbulence in the solar wind; Sun-Earth connection phenomena |
Dr. Edward E. DeLuca | CfA | High Energy Astropyscis Division | Cambridge, MA | Solar MHD, Turbulence and magnetic stability of coronal structures. Solar Dynamo Theory |
Dr. Georgia Adair deNolfo | NASA/GSFC | Greenbelt, MD | Acceleration and transport of solar energetic particles, using in-situ, ground-based, and hard X-ray/gamma-ray observations. |
Dr. C Richard DeVore | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Space Weather Laboratory | Greenbelt, MD | 2D & 3D MHD simulations; solar MHD theory & modeling; coronal mass ejections; flares; prominences & filaments; jets & spicules; space weather; massively parallel computing; adaptive mesh refinement |
Mausumi Dikpati | NCAR | High Altitude Observatory | Boulder, CO | Solar cycle dynamo modeling, evolution of global corona, data assimilation in solar models, MHD of solar tachocline, simulating quasi-periodic bursts of active longitudes and their influence in space weather |
Chuanfei Dong | Boston University | Boston, MA | Theoretical and computational space, planetary and plasma physics. | |
James Drake | University of Maryland | College Park, MD | The dynamics of plasma systems in space and astrophysics, including magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration in solar corona, the magnetosphere and the outer heliosphere. |
Jeremy J. Drake | Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory | High Energy Astrophysics | Cambridge, MA | High energy stellar physics; star formation and evolution; protoplanetary disks; solar physics; solar and stellar atmospheres and winds, stellar compositions; solar and stellar coronae, magnetic activity and rotation; planetary atmospheres; star-planet interaction; novae. Interdisciplinary research; processes relevant to the origin and evolution of life in the Universe. X-ray Astronomy and High Energy Astrophysics; high resolution astrophysical X-ray and EUV spectroscopy; EUV and X-ray instrumentation. Radiative transfer; atomic data; spectroscopic plasma diagnostics and emission models. |
Thomas L. Duvall, Jr. | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Greenbelt, MD | Solar Interior Helioseismology |
Scot R Elkington | University of Colorado | Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics | Boulder, CO | My research has focused on techniques leading to a quantitative physical understanding of energetic particle dynamics in the inner magnetosphere and central plasma sheet during geomagnetically active periods. Central to this study is the use of the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry MHD code to model magnetospheric configuration in response to both real and idealized solar wind conditions. Analytical magnetospheric field models are also used, where necessary, to examine relevant physical processes under simplified conditions. Finally, observational data are used both as a tool for providing realistic initial conditions within the models, and for verifying the validity of the simulations. The fundamental intent of this work is to gain a better physical understanding of the processes playing roles in storm-time radiation belt dynamics. However, all work is undertaken with an eye toward fitting these approaches within the larger framework of a global magnetospheric circulation model, and providing valid predictive tools for space weather forecasting. |
Dr. Yuhong Fan | NCAR | HAO | Boulder, CO | MHD theory and modeling of magnetic flux emergence, formation of coronal flux ropes, and initiation of coronal mass ejections |
Professor Jeffrey M Forbes | University of Colorado | Aerospace Engineering Sciences | Boulder, CO | Professor Forbes' research interests include the upper atmosphere environments of Earth, Mars, and other planets; coupling of these environments to lower altitudes and to solar variability; geomagnetic storm effects on satellite drag variability; the vertical propagation of tides and planetary waves in planetary atmospheres, and their electrodynamic and chemical effects; utilization of accelerometer, satellite drag, and satellite remote sensing data to elucidate atmospheric variability, and to test, validate and develop upper atmosphere models. |
Federico Fraschetti | University of Arizona | Planetary Sciences | Tucson, AZ | Particle acceleration at shocks, particle transport in magnetic turbulence (theory and simulations) |
Federico Gasperini | Atmospheric & Space Technology Research Associates, L.L.C. | Louisville, CO | Terrestrial Impacts on Space Weather; Wave Coupling; Mars Atmosphere; SmallSats | |
Sarah Gibson | NCAR | HAO | Boulder, CO | Comparative Solar Minima Coronal Prominence Cavities Coronal Mass Ejections Solar MHD |
Lindsay Glesener | University of Minnesota | School of Physics and Astronomy | Minneapolis, MN | High-energy aspects of the Sun, especially solar flares and coronal mass ejections; particle acceleration at the Sun and propagation throughout the heliosphere; development of new instrumentation for high-energy astrophysics and the design of low-cost platforms for their testing; comparisons of high-energy solar and stellar emissions. |
Alex Glocer | NASA/GSFC | Greenbelt, MD | Modeling of magnetosphere, ring current, radiation belts, and ionospheric outflow. |
Dr. Melvyn L Goldstein | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Heliospheric Physics Laboratory | Greenbelt, MD | (1) Kinetic properties of the solar wind as revealed from spacecraft data and theory and simulations. (2) Properties of magnetofluid turbulence and how it evolves and dissipates in the solar wind. |
Lindsay Victoria Goodwin | New Jersey Institute of Technology | Physics | Newark, NJ | Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, space physics, Sun to Earth coupling, plasma physics, radio science, incoherent scatter radars, STEVE, polar cap, high-latitude, irregularities |
Dr. Nat Gopalswamy | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Heliophysics | Greenbelt, MD | Research Interests Solar Physics and Radio Astronomy; Solar eruptions and their heliospheric propagation; coronal mass ejections, shocks, solar radio bursts, solar energetic particles. Shock-related radio emission from kilometric waves to gamma-rays. Solar polar field and Solar-cycle prediction. |
Thomas Ward Gorczyca | Western Michigan University | Department of Physics | Kalamazoo, MI | Theoretical Atomic Physics Photoionization Dielectronic Recombination |
Dale W Griffin | U.S. Geological Survey | Florida Integrated Science Center | St. Petersburg, FL | Desert dust fertilization of surface waters. Atmospheric transport of microorganisms in clouds of desert dust. Modeling of microbial, nutrient, and pollutants associated with desert dust clouds |
Frank Hill | NSO | GONG | Tucson, AZ | Helioseismology, solar cycle, solar magnetic fields |
Dr. Lon Lamar Hood | University of Arizona | Lunar and Planetary Laboratory | Tucson, AZ | Solar effects on the stratosphere and troposphere |
Dr. Russell A. Howard | Naval Research Lab | Space Science Division | Washington, DC | CMEs, Coronal Physics, Solar Wind, Electron and Dust Scattering, Coronagraph Instrumentation |
Dr. Gregory G. Howes | University of Iowa | Physics and Astronomy | Iowa City, IA | A synergistic effort using kinetic plasma theory, kinetic numerical simulations, spacecraft observations, and laboratory experiments to identify and characterize the kinetic plasma processes that govern the evolution of the heliosphere. My present research focus is on understanding the dynamics and evolution of kinetic turbulence in heliospheric plasmas, including determining the physical mechanisms responsible for removing energy from the turbulent fluctuations, thereby energizing particles and heating the plasma. |
Dr. Bernard Jackson | UCSD | Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences | La Jolla, CA | Heliospheric and solar physics and space weather. In particular, exploratory 3D tomography with existing heliospheric data sets and their use in research and solar wind forecasting using existing ground-based, NASA facilities and SMEI. Collaboration with Japan, UK, India, Asian, and Mexican ground-based analysis systems. |
Xianzhe Jia | University of Michigan | Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering | Ann Arbor, MI | Planetary magnetospheres; Plasma interaction with planetary moons; Magnetic fields and interior structures of planetary bodies; Numerical modeling; |
Meng Jin | Lockheed Martin Solar & Astrophysics Lab | Palo Alto, CA | Solar Flares; Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs); Solar Wind; Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs); Space Weather; Solar-Stellar Connection |
Philip Judge | NCAR | Boulder, CO | Solar magnetism, solar observations, spectropolarimetry, spectroscopy |
Judy Karpen | NASA | Goddard Spaceflight Center | Greenbelt, MD | MHD simulations and modeling of CMEs/flares |
Justin C. Kasper | University of Michigan | Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences | Ann Arbor, MA | Justin designs sensors for spacecraft that explore extreme environments in space from the surface of the Sun to the outer edges of the solar system. He is interested in understanding the forces that lead to solar flares and the solar wind, a stream of particles heated to millions of degrees in the Sun's atmosphere, or corona. His major results concern heating, instabilities, and helium in the solar corona and solar wind, and the impact of space weather on society. In 2007, he used measurements by the Voyager spacecraft to detect the termination shock, a massive shockwave surrounding our solar system. He has served on advisory committees for NASA, the National Science Foundation, and the National Academy of Sciences. He currently leads the SWEAP Investigation, an international team of scientists and engineers building sensors that will collect samples of the Sun for the NASA Solar Probe Plus spacecraft, a mission of exploration that will make history in 2018 as the first human-made object to plunge into the solar corona. |
Dr. Namir E. Kassim | Naval Research Laboratory | Remote Sensing Division | Washington, DC | Physical processes falling under the rubric of the Sun-Earth connection, particularly those that can be studied at radio wavelengths, including a strong interest in understanding the corona, CMEs, and the ionosphere/plasmasphere. A current thrust is the measurement of Faraday Rotation against polarized sources to constrain CME magnetic fields. A recent tool is our VLITE (http://vlite.nrao.edu) system on the Jansky Very Large Array. Our group has started a new program to identify recent geomagnetic storm events and evaluate corresponding VLITE observations during those events. VLITE can detect Total Electron Content (TEC) fluctuations much more accurately than GPS, making it a powerful tool with which to study ionospheric/plasmaspheric disturbances and turbulence associated with solar-induced geomagnetic storms. While our group is primarily radio astronomers, we work closely with scientists in the Solar Physics Branch within our sister Space Sciences Division at NRL. |
Maria D. Kazachenko | University of Colorado - Boulder / National Solar Observatory / Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics | Astrophysical & Planetary Science Department | Boulder, CO | My research group interests range from the storage of magnetic energy in solar active regions, to the release of that energy in solar flares with an emphasis of comparison and integration of observations with simulations. |
Kristopher Gregory Klein | University of Arizona | Lunar and Planetary Laboratory | Tucson, AZ | I am interested in the transport and dissipation of magnetized turbulence in space and astrophysical environments as well as the generation and evolution of plasma instabilities. I study these phenomena using analytical and numerical tools, and am involved with the science team on Parker Solar Probe. |
Jeffrey Klenzing | Goddard Space Flight Center | ITM Physics Lab | Greenbelt, MD | Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling, Ionospheric Irregularities, Ionospheric Electrodynamics |
Dr. Delores Jane Knipp | University of Colorado | Aerospace Engineering Sciences | Boulder, CO | Effects of solar wind structures on energy deposition in the coupled magnetosphere -ionosphere-thermosphere system. Particular interest in effects of interacting solar wind structures (CME-shock, CME -CME, CME-High Speed Stream) on thermospheric and ionospheric perturbations. |
Josef Koller | LANL | Space Science and Applications | Los Alamos, NM | thermospheric density and satellite drag modeling, data assimilation, machine learning, verification and validation, radiation belt modeling, real-time space weather forecast models |
Kelly Korreck | Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory | High Energy | Cambridge, MA | |
Alexander Kosovichev | New Jersey Institute of Technology | Physics | Newark, NJ | Mechanisms of solar activity, solar flares, dynamo, helioseismology, solar observations from space and ground-based observatories, data analysis, stellar astrophysics, numerical simulations and modeling. |
Harald Kucharek | University of New Hampshire | Space Science Center and Department of Physics | Durham, NH | My research interests in space physics span the broad range of topics including plasma transport, shock and foreshock physics, and particle acceleration. In particular, I am interested to understand the kinetic-scale processes that are determine macro-scale plasma dynamic. I have dedicated a significant fraction of my research effort towards understanding kinetic processes associated with space plasma shocks, which I find particularly appealing due to their universality; shocks are ubiquitous throughout the cosmos, and the associated particle acceleration is a key contributor to the production of cosmic rays, for example. |
Enrico Landi | University of Michigan | Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering | Ann Arbor, MI | My research interests cover the physics of the solar transition region, inner and outer corona, the solar wind, Coronal Mass Ejections, atomic physics and spectral codes, and high resolution spectroscopy of solar and astrophysical plasmas. I am the PI of the MLSO/UCoMP instrument, an instrument built at HAO which will allow measurements of the coronal magnetic field and of spectrally resolved, near simultaneous 2D spectra of coronal forbidden lines in the visible. I am currently actively working on (selected topics): 1) solar wind heating and acceleration issues, and solar wind source regions; 2) coronal heating through modeling and spectroscopic diagnostics; 3) developing and applying new diagnostic techniques for the solar wind (in-situ measurements of wind charge state composition), the visible spectral range (for the upcoming UCoMP and COSMO instruments), and the EUV (CME diagnostics); 4) measurements of elemental abundances in the Sun and in the solar wind; 5) empirical modeling of CME plasmas and CME energetics. |
Davin Larson | Space Sciences Laboratory | Berkeley, CA | Dr. Larson is interested in developing, building and testing of instrumentation to study particles in the solar wind and planetary environments. Our team at Berkeley built the 3 Electrostatic analyzers that will measure the full 3D distribution functions of Ions and Electrons for the SWEAP investigation on Parker Solar Probe. (To be launched August 2018) We are looking for postdoctoral candidates to analyze data for this mission to understand the dynamics of the heating and acceleration of the solar wind. | |
Guan Le | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Space Weather Lab | Greenbelt, MD | Magnetospheric and ionospheric current systems, ULF waves, magnetopause, polar cusps and boundary layers, solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling |
KD Leka | NorthWest Research Associates | Boulder, CO | Solar Magnetic Fields; Solar Flare Prediction; Active Region Structure & Evolution; Spectropolarimetry; Statistical analysis. |
Marc Lessard | Univ New Hampshire | Space Science Center | Durham, NH | Two main interests. One is ionosphere-related, including thermosphere coupling (small-scale), auroral phenomena, etc. The other is EMIC (electro-magnetic ion cyclotron) waves, including their generation, propagation to the ground and interactions with Earth's radiation belts. |
Wen Li | Boston University | Astronomy | Boston, MA | Space plasma waves, Earth's radiation belt physics, Solar wind magnetospheric coupling, Energetic particle precipitation, Jovian magnetosphere and aurora |
Gang Li | UAHuntsville | Huntsville, AL | Particle acceleration and transport in the heliosphere |
Mike Liemohn | Michigan | Climate and Space Sci and Eng | Ann Arbor, MI | The physics of magnetic storms, in particular two things: (1) the inner magnetosphere and the coupling between the plasmasphere, ring current, and radiation belts, and (2) global geospace modeling with an emphasis on ionospheric outflow and circulation through the magnetosphere. |
Paulett Liewer | JPL | Astrophysics and Space Science Section | Pasadena, CA | Propagation of CMEs; solar wind structure; analysis of data from STEREO coronagraphs; analysis of white light observations of the heliosphere (CMEs and solar wind) from STEREO and future missions. |
Mark Linton | Naval Research Laboratory | Heliophysics Theory and Modeling Section | Washington, DC | The goal of NRL's Heliophysics Theory and Modeling Section is to examine fundamental problems of the physics of the solar atmosphere. Areas of current interest include chromospheric to coronal structure and dynamics, energy transport in solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and the emergence of magnetic flux from the convection zone into the corona. The research makes extensive use of time-dependent numerical simulations using two-, and three-dimensional numerical models. Much of the work focuses on determining observables for comparison with existing and anticipated satellite data in the visible, ultraviolet, and X-ray regions of the spectrum. Computing capabilities include access to DOD major high-performance computing facilities. |
Gang Lu | NCAR | HAO | Boulder, CO | high-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics; solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere thermosphere coupling; space weather. |
Noe Lugaz | University of New Hampshire | Space Science Center and Department of Physics | Durham, NH | |
Benjamin Lynch | University of California, Berkeley | Space Sciences Laboratory | Berkeley, CA | Current research interests are: (1) investigating the physical processes leading up to and during eruptive flare and CME initiation in numerical MHD simulations, e.g. the gradual storage and rapid release of magnetic free energy, different initial magnetic field configurations and their subsequent evolution, and obtaining observational signatures from the simulations for comparison with remote-sensing observations; (2) magnetic reconnection in the corona that drives the dynamic transition between open- and closed-field regions with implications for the formation of the slow solar wind, “streamer blobs,” small-scale magnetic flux ropes, and the outflows from coronal pseudostreamers; (3) modeling the time evolution of ionic charge states within and surrounding the CME ejecta material for comparison with in-situ composition measurements, providing observational constraints on the plasma heating in coronal eruption models; and (4) the solar--stellar connection through MHD modeling of stellar flares and coronal transients as drivers of exoplanetary space weather. |
Prof. Jonathan J Makela | University of Illinois | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Urbana, IL | My research interests lie in multi-technique remote sensing of the Earth's ionosphere. He works with ground- and satellite-based instrumentation to study both the quiet-time and storm-time behavior of this region at low- and mid-latitudes. To accomplish this, he develops, tests and deploys suites of sensors to sites around the world. These instruments include portable imaging systems, Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, and Fabry-Perot interferometers. My research group is currently working on developing new techniques and algorithms to simultaneously analyze these multiple datasets to better understand the underlying electrodynamics of instability processes in the equatorial and mid-latitude ionosphere. These instabilities can cause problems for satellite navigation and communication signals that have to propagate through them. Understanding how and when they develop will lead to more robust systems. |
David Malaspina | University of Colorado, Boulder | Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics | Boulder, CO | I study plasma physics of the heliosphere, including the solar wind, planetary magnetospheres, and planetary ionospheres. Topics of particular interest include: high frequency plasma waves, wave-particle interactions, solar wind dynamics, cosmic dust impacts on spacecraft, and spacecraft charging. To enable these studies and others, I develop scientific instrumentation for spacecraft, focusing on the measurement of electric and magnetic fields as well as on signal processing techniques and hardware. |
Robert Marshall | University of Colorado Boulder | Aerospace Engineering Sciences | Boulder, CO | Radiation Belt electron precipitation and atmospheric effects; Lightning and its effects on the ionosphere and magnetosphere; meteor plasma simulation; design and development of ground-based instrumentation and CubeSats. |
Sara F. Martin | Helio Research | Space Weather | La Crescenta, CA | The long-term build-up to CMEs, the chirality and helicity of solar features individually and collectively; formation of filament channels filaments, filament cavities; the eruption of filaments and prominences, CME initiation and propagation, the source and evolution of solar magnetic fields of all scales. Analysis of multiple wavelengths of data from ground-based and space-based observatories, especially the Dutch Open Telescope (DOT), SOHO, STEREO, and SDO |
Tomoko Matsuo | University of Colorado Boulder | Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences | Boulder, CO | Space Physics, Atmospheric Sciences, Data Assimilation |
Dr R.T.James McAteer | New Mexico State University | Astronomy | Las Cruces, NM | Heating of the coronal, and acceleration of the solar wind by waves, flows and nanoflares. Spectropolarimetric inversions. The Sun-Earth connection, including the effects of space weather throughout the solar system, predicting the onset of solar flares, and tracking coronal mass ejections. Studies of the magnetic complexity of active regions and searches for signatures of imminent solar flares, general studies of complexity and turbulence in science, and design of risk management performance measures for space weather predictions. Solar cycle, and the effects on planets and the viability of life. |
John McCormack | NRL | Research Physicist | Washington , DC | Investigating the impact of solar variability on the composition and dynamics of the middle atmosphere (10-100 km) through both modeling and data assimilation studies. |
Dr. Scott W McIntosh | NCAR | HAO | Boulder, CO | Solar Physics - Chromosphere - Chromosphere/Coronal Coupling - Solar Cycle |
Dr. Craig McLaughlin | University of Kansas | Aerospace Engineering | Lawrence, KS | Satellite drag, thermosphere, neutral density, ionosphere, estimation, orbital mechanics, astrodynamics |
Eberhard Moebius | UNH | Space Science Center & Physics Department | Durham, NH | My research interest is centered on the acceleration of particles in and their transport through the heliosphere with the help of composition sensing ion and neutral atom sensors. Using pickup ions in the solar wind (SOHO, ACE, and STEREO) and energetic neutral atoms that originate in the interstellar gas and in the heliospheric boundary regions (IBEX), we are studying the inflow of interstellar gas into the solar system, its interaction with the solar wind, and further acceleration of its products to higher energy. With these tools we scope out the outermost shield of the Earth against cosmic rays and lay the groundwork to understanding short and long time variations of the heliosphere. In addition, interstellar and inner source pickup ions form a suprathermal particle population that serves as an effective source for the generation of energetic particles at interplanetary shocks, which contribute significantly to the energetic particle environment of the Earth. |
Mark Moldwin | University of Michigan | Climate & Space Sciences | Ann Arbor, MI | Heliospheric, Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Physics Especially interested in the coupling between regions as well as the development of new ground and space-based magnetometer sensors. Use magnetometer and GPS TEC data to understand MI coupling and space weather impacts. |
Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo | Southwest Research Institute | Boulder, CO | Deep learning Long-term solar variability Solar cycle Solar Dynamo Active region emergence and decay |
Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla | NASA-GSFC | Heliophysics Science Division | Greenbelt, MD | To produce fundamental science in the understanding of the large-scale structures and physical processes associated with their evolution and propagation in the solar wind. To promote the transition of models and techniques from targeted research to broadly applicable tools and resources that may support the scientific activities in the community and/or space weather operations. To serve as a bridge between Research and Operations. To enhance the outcomes from the NASA missions. |
Toshi Nishimura | Boston University | Boston, MA | Aurora, magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, storms and substorms, GNSS, radars, neutral wind | |
Katariina Nykyri | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | Physical Sciences | Daytona Beach, FL | Solar wind interaction with the magnetosphere: plasma transport, turbulence, particle heating and acceleration, numerical modeling, data-analysis |
Jens Oberheide | Clemson University | Physics and Astronomy | Clemson, SC | Dynamics of Earth's mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere system; the forcing and vertical propagation of tides, planetary waves, and gravity waves including their effects on chemistry and electrodynamics; geospace environment coupling to the atmosphere below and to solar activity; comparative aeronomy; long-term trends in the upper atmosphere; utilization of satellite and ground-based remote sensing data to resolve variability and vertical coupling processes in the atmosphere; the validation of middle and upper atmosphere models; specializes in satellite data analysis and physics-based empirical modeling of global scale waves in the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. |
Leon Ofman | CUA | Physics | Washington, DC | Solar corona; solar wind; MHD, hybrid, and multi-fluid numerical modeling of solar and heliospheric plasma; study of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration physics; waves and instabilities in the solar corona. The use of space-based spectroscopic observations to constrain numerical models. Coronal seismology - the use of waves observed in the corona for inferring coronal parameters. |
Merav Opher | Boston University | Astronomy | Boston, MA | shocks, coronal mass ejections, MHD and Kinetic effects, solar wind, particle acceleration, plasma effects, inner and outer heliosphere |
Nicholas Pedatella | National Center for Atmospheric Research | High Altitude Observatory | Boulder, CO | Application of observations and numerical models for scientific studies of Earth’s middle and upper atmosphere, with a primary emphasis on understanding the influence of lower atmospheric waves on the spatial and temporal variability of the mesosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere. The use of numerical simulations to study of the fundamental mechanisms by which tides and planetary waves impact the ionosphere. Development and application of data assimilation techniques in order to understand the short-term variability in the middle and upper atmosphere. The response of the ionosphere to geomagnetic variability, and the interaction between geomagnetic variability and lower atmosphere forcing. Improving ionosphere remote sensing techniques using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations. |
Dr. Gareth Perry | New Jersey Institute of Technology | Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research | Newark, NJ | My research focuses on the the Magnetosphere- Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MIT) system, its interconnections, and plasma dynamics. In general, my research goals are to understand the link between MIT coupling and plasma structuring in the sub-auroral to polar-latitude ionosphere, and to characterize how MIT coupling and its associated processes impact the continental and global radio wave propagation conditions. In particular, I am interested in high frequency (HF) radio wave propagation and scattering, and the impact of space weather events on these processes. |
William Dean Pesnell | GSFC | Solar Physics Laboratory | Greenbelt, MD | Solar Science, Space Weather, Coronal response to perturbations, supergranulation, methods that lead to predictions of solar cycle |
Valentin Martinez Pillet | National Solar Observatory | Boulder, CO | Solar Physics | |
Vic Pizzo | NOAA | SWPC | Boulder, CO | Xray corona, solar wind, CMEs, space weather prediction applications |
Nikolai Pogorelov | University of Alabama in Huntsville | Space Science | Huntsville, AL | Sun, solar wind, heliosphere, magnetic reconnection, plasma instability, solar wind/interstellar medium interaction |
Mark Rast | University of Colorado | Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences | Boulder, CO | Astrophysical fluid dynamics with emphasis on convective dynamics and scale selection, turbulence, the excitation of the solar p-modes, and the origin of solar/stellar irradiance variations. |
Jeffrey Reep | US Naval Research Laboratory | Space Science Division | SW Washington, DC | My research interests include solar flares, the solar corona, chromosphere, hydrodynamic modeling, solar irradiance, and magnetohydrodynamics. In particular, I work on understanding the magnetic reconnection process that drives heating and produces sharp changes in the solar irradiance that can then impact the Earth's ionosphere. |
Dr. Katharine Reeves | SAO | Cambridge, MA | I am primarily interested in modeling and observation of dynamic coronal phenomena, including solar flares and coronal mass ejections. My research thus far has focused on modeling the soft X-ray and EUV emission due to heating and cooling processes present in solar flares and comparing these models to observations of flare evolution. I am interested in using a variety of instruments to inform these models, including imaging telescopes such as the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE), the Soft X-ray Telescope on Yohkoh, the X-Ray Telescope on Hinode and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on SDO. |
Alysha Reinard | University of Colorado | CIRES | Boulder, CO | Space Weather-related research with a focus on connecting solar phenomena such as CMEs, flares, dimmings with interplanetary phenomena such as ICMEs and geomagnetic storms. |
Matthias Rempel | NCAR | HAO | Boulder, CO | Study of solar magnetic fields through 3D MHD simulations with radiation transport. Research topics include small-scale magnetism, sunspots and flux emergence from the upper convection zone into the solar corona. |
John Richardson | M.I.T. | Civil Institute for Astrophysics and Space Science | Cambridge, MA | Solar wind (Voyager, Solar Probe Plus, Wind); Interaction of heliosphere and interstellar medium; Planetary magnetospheres |
Dr. Jeremy A Riousset | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | Physical Sciences | Daytona Beach, FL | * Plasma physics; * Electrical discharges in air; * Transient luminous events; * Extra terrestrial lightning; * Planetary sciences; * Numerical modeling; * Planetary magnetic field; * Star-planet interactions. |
Fabiano Rodrigues | ASTRA | San Antonio, TX | Radar remote sensing of the ionosphere and ionospheric effects on GPS; solar variability effects on ionospheric irregularities. | |
Fabiano Rodrigues | UTD | William B. Hanson Center for Space Sciences | Richardson, TX | Ionospheric irregularities, ionospheric electrodynamics, techniques for remote sensing of the upper atmosphere, and effects of the upper atmosphere/ionosphere on global navigation satellite systems. |
Joshua L Semeter | Boston University | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Boston, MA | Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling electrodynamics in the auroral zone and polar cap; imaging, incoherent scatter radar, GPS, cubesat |
David Gary Sibeck | GSFC | Space Weather Laboratory | Greenbelt, MD | Magnetospheric Physics and Solar Wind-magnetosphere interaction, the foreshock, bow shock, magnetopause, dayside ionosphere |
Jamesina Simpson | University of Utah | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Salt Lake City, UT | Computational electromagnetics, finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, ionosphere propagation, space weather, power grids, geomagnetically induced currents (GICs), scintillation, remote sensing, radar, communications |
Alphonse Sterling | NASA | MSFC | Huntsville, AL | Physics of the Solar Atmosphere |
Dr. Adam Szabo | NASA GSFC | Heliospheric Physics Laboratory | Greenbelt, MD | Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections/Magnetic Clouds Interplanetary Shocks Solar wind acceleration, heating and global structure |
Barbara J. Thompson | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Heliophysics Science Division | Greenbelt, MD | Source and magnetic structure of coronal mass ejections and connection to interplanetary disturbances. Innovative analysis methods for studying the dynamics and evolution of solar eruptions. Three-dimensional topology of coronal mass ejections and associated eruptive phenomena. |
Richard M Thorne | UCLA | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | My primary research interest is the dynamic variability of the radiation belts, with emphasis on the role of wave-particle interactions. Waves in the magnetosphere of the Earth and Jupiter can cause pitch angle scattering and loss of trapped particles to the atmosphere, and also local stochastic energy diffusion. My group at UCLA is currently studying such processes using data from the Van Allen probes at Earth and JUNO at Jupiter. |
Steven Tomczyk | Tomczyk | High Altitude Observatory | Boulder, CO | My research interests include: 1) development of instrumentation for the observation of magnetic and velocity fields in the solar atmosphere, with an emphasis on the solar corona. 2) analysis of coronal wave observations to infer the magnetic field through coronal seismology 3) analysis of the polarization of coronal emission lines to infer the geometry and strength of coronal magnetic fields. The ultimate goal of my research is to understand the buildup and release of magnetic energy in the solar corona that can cause disturbances in the near-Earth environment known as Space Weather. |
Lisa Upton | Southwest Research Institute | Solar and Heliospheric Physics | Boulder, CO | Solar Flows, Active Region Evolution, Polar Fields, Surface Flux Transport, Solar Cycle Prediction, Space Weather. |
Cesar Enrique Valladares | University of Texas at Dallas | W. B. Hanson Center for Space Sciences | Richardson, TX | Study of low and mid-latitude plasma instabilities (experimental and modeling investigations) Investigation of TIDs Studies of polar cap patches and Sun-aligned arcs. TEC evolution at low and mid-latitudes during disturbed magnetic conditions. |
Professor Marco Velli | UCLA | Earth Planetary and Space Sciences | Los Angeles, CA | Heliophysics; Coronal heating; Solar wind acceleration; Coronal Mass Ejections; Solar Flares; Solar Prominences; Solar Energetic Particles; Magnetohydrodynamics; Kinetic theory; Wave-particle interactions; Magnetic Reconnection |
Nicholeen Viall | NASA/GSFC | Solar Physics Laboratory, Heliophysics Division | Greenbelt, MD | The formation and acceleration of the solar wind Solar coronal heating |
Dr. Angelos Vourlidas | JHU APL | Solar Section, SRP | Laurel, MD | Physics of Coronal Mass Ejections using EUV, white light and radio observations. Solar Wind origin and evolution. Solar eruptive events and their Space Weather impacts. Imaging Instrumentation and imaging processing techniques. |
Paul Withers | Boston University | Boston, MA | Sun-planet interactions throughout the solar system |
Chin-Chun Wu | Naval Research Lab | Space Science Division | Washington, , DC | CME, magnetic cloud, Solar wind, interplanetary shock, geomagnetic storm, MHD simulation |
Dong L Wu | NASA | GSFC | Greenbelt, MD | Impacts of solar forcing and variability on Earth's atmosphere and climate. Uses of satellite data (MLS, SORCE, AIRS, GPS, AMSU/SSU) and model simulations (WACCM, GISS) to identify, characterize and understand Sun-Earth connection processes. Dr. Dong L. Wu is a research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). His research interests include remote sensing of atmospheric dynamics and clouds, and sun-climate connection. For the sun-climate connection studies, his research has been focusing on impacts of the 11-year and 27-day variations in solar forcing on the upper and middle atmospheric dynamics and chemistry. The data analyses include uses of satellite measurements from Aura/MLS, Odin/SMR, TIMED/SABER, and GPS radio occultation, MERRA reanalysis, and simulations from WACCM. |
Chuixiang Yi | Queens College, City University of New York | School of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Flushing, NY | atmosphere-biosphere interaction, dendroclimatic reconstruction, paleoclimate modeling,extreme climate and carbon cycling, boundary-layer meteorology |
Jia Yue | NASA GSFC | Greenbelt, MD | Space Weather, Aeronomy, Space Physics Modeling, Satellite remote sensing | |
Jie Zhang | GMU | Computational and Data Sciences | Fairfax, VA | solar physics, heliospheric physics, and space weather. In particular, CMEs, flares, and their space weather effects. CME initiation, propagation, interplanetary CMEs and interaction with solar wind, geomagnetic storms. Relationship between CMEs and flares. Magnetic and coronal source regions of solar activities. |
Shunrong Zhang | MIT | Haystack Observatory | Westford, MA | Upper atmosphere science, in particular, ionosphere and thermosphere coupling and geospace disturbances, upper atmospheric climatology, variability and long-term trends. Incoherent scatter radar, FPI, GNSS and other ground-based and satellite in situ observational study |
Lulu Zhao | University of Michigan | Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering | Ann Arbor, MI | Space Weather, Magnetohydrodynamic, Energetic Particles, Coronal Mass Ejections |
Shasha Zou | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI | I study interactions between the solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere, in particular, space-weather disturbances (e.g., storm, substorm, dynamic pressure variations), global plasma circulation, and large-scale current systems, using a combination of data analysis and numerical simulation. |