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Federico Gasperini

Research Scientist
Atmospheric & Space Technology Research Associates, L.L.C.
282 Century Pl
(303) 993-8039
Research interests
Terrestrial Impacts on Space Weather; Wave Coupling; Mars Atmosphere; SmallSats
Candidate's preferred background
Qualifications (Required)
- Education: PhD in Ionospheric Physics, Thermospheric Physics, Atmospheric or Space Sciences, Aerospace Engineering, or related technical field.
- Experience with scientific programming languages (e.g., IDL, Python) and developing high-quality and insightful visualization of scientific datasets.
- Familiarity with ground-based and space-based thermospheric and/or ionospheric data and data-base utilization.
- Familiarity with scientific data analysis and model-data comparison.
- Familiarity with both compiled and run-time programming languages.
- Strong communication skills demonstrated through peer-reviewed articles and oral presentations to audiences with widely varying degrees of sophistication and expertise, and through technical documents.
- Security clearance or ability to obtain one as needed.

Qualifications (Preferred)
- Experience: 2+ years beyond PhD, including demonstrated experience writing proposals to government sponsors and agencies.
- Other: experience in the use of common thermospheric and ionospheric data types (in situ and remotely sensed neutral and electron densities, GNSS TEC, and GNSS-RO), common climatological, physics-based, and assimilation software tools, cloud computing, running models on supercomputers.