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Living With a Star (LWS) Institute Topics & Meetings

2018 Topic Areas

TEC and ionospheric scintillation for GPS applications

Prediction and specification of >10 MeV proton flux


2016 Topic Areas

Now-casts of radiation storms (proton events) at energy levels that could create a radiation hazard for aircrew and passengers

"Safesky LWS Institute"

LWS Institute Working Group Meeting
7 – 12 November 2016, Estes Park, Colorado


Now-casts of atmospheric drag for LEO spacecraft

"NASA LWS LEO Satellite Drag Institute"

LWS Institute Working Group Meeting
8 - 12 February 2016, Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Michigan

LWS Institute Working Group Meeting
3 - 7 October 2016, Estes Park, Colorado



2015 Topic Areas

Principles in relation to the effects of geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) during CME-driven geomagnetic disturbances (GMDs)

"LWS Institute GIC"

LWS Institute Working Group Meeting 2015
2 - 6 March, 2015, Estes Park, Colorado
