2017 Eddy Fellows
CPAESS joined with the NASA Living With a Star (LWS) Program to create the Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. This program matches early career PhDs with experienced scientists at U.S. research institutions for a two-year fellowship. See more information about the program by viewing the pages found in the block to the left.
Ankush Bhaskar

- Project: Investigating the Earth’s radiation belt response to fast forward and reverse interplanetary shocks
- PhD Institution: Physics, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
- Host: David Gary Sibeck, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
- Website
Ying Zou

- Project: Understanding multi-scale convection on open magnetic field lines in the Sun-Earth system
- PhD Institution: Space Physics, University of California, Los Angeles
- Host: Joshua Semeter, Boston University
- Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Alabama in Huntsville
- Website