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NASA Jack Eddy Appointment Overview

Applicants who are selected for the NASA Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowship will receive an offer letter in early April shortly after the Steering Committee completes their review.  All appointments are for one year and, based on continued program funding and satisfactory performance, will be renewable for a second year.  As soon as the the signed offer letter is returned to the Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS) office, the postdoctorate should contact their hosting scientist to determine a mutually agreeable start date, and then communicate this date to CPAESS. The Official Start date of the Fellowship must occur before the first Monday in December of the award year.

Appointed postdoctorates are UCAR employees and are subject to all UCAR policies and procedures.  UCAR offers a comprehensive benefits package, including group health, dental, vision, and life insurance, sick leave, paid time off (PTO), and mandatory participation in the UCAR TIAA retirement plan.  The Policy and Procedures Manual and the UCAR Benefits Manual are available on the UCAR Human Resources website. Some sections of these manuals have restricted access.  When an appointment begins, and the postdoctorate has established an email address at their hosting institution, UCAR will set up an internal login to access all passworded UCAR sites, including the electronic time card system.

Postdoctorate Fellows receive an $8,000 annual allowance for scientific travel and publications each year. All published reports, journal articles, or professional presentations that rely on the research conducted during participation in this program should carry an acknowledgment such as the following:  "This research was supported by the NASA Living With a Star Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, administered by the Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS)."

Please address any questions regarding this information to Kate Rodd or Cindy Bruyère