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Heliophysics IV: "Active stars, their astrospheres, and impacts on planetary environments"

1 | Introduction

Carolus J. Schrijver, Frances Bagenal, and Jan J. Sojka

Stuart Bale,

Stellar and Solar Winds

Ofer Cohen,

Coronae, Heliospheres and Astrospheres

Ofer Cohen,

Comparative Heliophysics

Madhulika Guhathakurta,

Eclipse & Comparative Heliophysics

2 | Solar Explosive Activity Throughout the Evolution of the Solar System

Rachel Osten

Ofer Cohen,

Evolution on Short and Long Time Scales

Rachel Osten,

Solar Explosive Activity Throughout the Evolution of the Solar System - Introduction Process Solar Explosive Activity Throughout the Evolution of the Solar System - Trends With Time Homework Solution

3 | Astrospheres, Stellar Winds, and the Interstellar Medium

Brian E. Wood and Jeffrey L. Linsky

Ofer Cohen,

Coronae, Heliospheres and Astrospheres

Dana Longcope,

Why does the Sun Have a Corona and a Wind?

Dana Longcope,

Why is there a Corona and a Wind?

Dana Longcope,

Why is There a Corona & a Wind?

Brian Wood/Jeffrey Linsky,

Stellar Winds and Their Interaction with the Variable ISM Homework

4 | Effects of Stellar Eruptions Throughout Astrospheres

Ofer Cohen

Ofer Cohen,

Evolution on Short and Long Time Scales

Ofer Cohen,

Effects of Stellar Eruptions Throughout Astrospheres Homework

Neal Savani,


5 | Characteristics of Planetary Systems

Debra Fischer and Ji Wang

Debra Fischer,

Characteristics of Planetary Systems 1 Characteristics of Planetary Systems 2

6 | Planetary Dynamos: Updates and New Frontiers

Sabine Stanley

Nicholas Featherstone,

Planetary Dynamos

Dana Longcope,

Why do Sun and Planets have Magnetic Fields?

Dana Longcope,

Why do the Sun and Planets have Magnetic Fields?

Dana Longcope,

Why do Sun and Planets Have Magnetic Fields?

Mark Miesch,

Planetary Fields and Dynamos (pdf)

7 | Climates of Terrestrial Planets

David Brain

David Siskind,

Aeronomy of Terrestrial Planet Atmospheres

8 | Upper Atmospheres of the Giant Planets

Luke Moore,Tom Stallard, and Marina Galand

David Brain,

Climates of Terrestrial Planets 1 Climates of Terrestrial Planets 2

Thomas Immel,

Ionosphere Part 1

Dana Longcope,

Why do the Earth & Planets have Ionospheres? Magnetospheres?

Dana Longcope,

Why Does the Earth Have a Magnetosphere, Radiation Belts & an Ionosphere?

Dana Longcope,

Why does the Earth have a Magnetosphere, Radiation Belts & an Ionosphere?

Jan Sojka,

Planetary Ionospheres

9 | Aeronomy of Terrestrial Upper Atmospheres

David E. Siskind and Stephen W. Bougher

Luke Moore,

Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling at the Giant Planet Homework

10 | Moons, Asteroids, and Comets Interacting with Their Surroundings

Margaret G. Kivelson

Margaret Kivelson,

Interaction of Moons, Asteroids, & Comets with their Surroundings Homework

11 | Dusty Plasmas

Mihaly Horanyi

12 | Energetic-Particle Environments in the Solar System

Norbert Krupp

Ben Chandran,

Solar Wind: Particle Distribution Functions

13 | Heliophysics with Radio Scintillation and Occultation

Mario M. Bisi