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Heliophysics II: "Space storms and radiation: causes and effects"

1 | Perspective on Heliophysics

George L. Siscoe and Carolus J. Schrijver

Tamas Gombosi,

Introducing Heliophysics from the Perspective of Universal Processes

Homework is embedded in Video 2

Mark Moldwin,

Universal Plasma Processes in Heliophysics 1 Universal Plasma Processes in Heliophysics 2

Mark Moldwin,

Introduction to Heliophysics System Physics: Processes and Environments, Similarities and Differences Homework

2 | Introduction: Space Storms and Radiation

Sten Odenwald

Nick Achilleos,

Introducing the Seasons of the Sun-Planetary System Connections

Daniel Baker,

Energetic Particles and Their Impacts Around the Heliosphere

Doug Biesecker,

Effects of Space Weather & Mitigation Strategies

David Boteler,

The Impact of Space Weather on the Electric Power Grid

Robert Ergun,

Magnetosphere: Reconnection & Substorms, Part 1

Kevin Forbes,

Establishing the Economic Impacts of Space Weather: The Case of Electricity

Sarah Gibson,

Janet Luhmann,

Introducing the Seasons of the Sun-Planetary System Connections

Bill Murtagh,

General introduction to Heliophysics: Society

Sten Odenwald,

Space Weather: Impacts, Mitigation & Forecasting Space Weather and Its Societal Impacts

3 | In Situ Detection of Energetic Particles

George Gloeckler

Goerge Gloeckler,

Energetic Particles and their Detection in Situ (Particle Detectors) 1 Energetic Particles and their Detection in Situ (Particle Detectors) 2 Energetic Particles and their Detection in Situ (Particle Detectors) 3

David Klumpar,

Detection of Energetic Particles Homework

Jon Sample,

In Situ Instruments and Measurements

4 | Radiative Signatures of Energetic Particles

Tim Bastian

Tom Ayres,

Observing/Measuring Solar/Stellar Activity and Solar/Stellar Wind

Daniel Baker,

Couplings with Magnetospheres: Missions Throughout the Heliosphere

Timothy Bastian,

Radiative Signatures of Energetic Particles Homework

5 | Observations of Solar and Stellar Eruptions, Flares, and Jets

Hugh Hudson

Amitava Bhattacharjee,

Explosive Events: CMEs, Flares and Substorms

Amitava Bhattacharjee,

Magnetic Reconnection Homework Solution

Terry Forbes,

Magnetic Energy Conversion Processes in the Sun and Planets Homework Solution

Hugh Hudson,

Observations of Solar and Stellar Eruptions, Flares, and Jets

Rachel Osten,

Solar Explosive Activity Throughout the Evolution of the Solar System - Introduction Process Solar Explosive Activity Throughout the Evolution of the Solar System - Trends With Time Homework Solution

Karel Schrijver,

The Solar Atmosphere

6 | Models of Coronal Mass Ejections and Flares

Terry Forbes

Amitava Bhattacharjee,

Explosive Events: CMEs, Flares and Substorms

Amitava Bhattacharjee,

Magnetic Reconnection Homework Solution

Terry Forbes,

Magnetic Energy Conversion Processes in the Sun and Planets Homework Solution

Terry Forbes,

Models of Flares and CMEs Homework

Terry Forbes,

ECP (Energy Conversion Processes) I: Buildup to Instability Then Explosive Conversion

Dana Longcope,

Solar Flares

Rachel Osten,

Solar Explosive Activity Throughout the Evolution of the Solar System - Introduction Process Solar Explosive Activity Throughout the Evolution of the Solar System - Trends With Time Homework Solution

Neal Savani,


Karel Schrijver,

The Solar Atmosphere

7 | Shocks in Heliophysics

Merav Opher

David Burgess,

Shocks and Energetic Particles: Corona, Wind, Planets, Solar System Homework Solution

Ofer Cohen,

Effects of Stellar Eruptions Throughout Astrospheres Homework

Dana Longcope,

Shocks in Heliophysics Homework

Merav Opher,

Merav Opher,

Shocks in Heliophysics Homework Solution

8 | Particle Acceleration in Shocks

Dietmar Krauss-Varban

David Burgess,

Shocks and Energetic Particles: Corona, Wind, Planets, Solar System Homework Solution

Ben Chandran,

Solar Wind: Particle Distribution Functions

Krauss-Varban Dietmar,

ECP II: Shock Acceleration

Marty Lee,

Particle Acceleration in Shocks Homework Solution

Dana Longcope,

Shocks in Heliophysics Homework

Merav Opher,

9 | Energetic Particle Transport

Joe Giacalone

Ben Chandran,

Solar Wind: Particle Distribution Functions

Randy Jokipii,

Cosmic Rays Homework

Randy Jokipii,

The Evolving Heliosphere and its Particle Environment Homework Solution

Marty Lee,

Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere (pdf)

Merav Opher,

10 | Energy Conversion in Planetary Magnetospheres

Vytenis Vasyliunas

Fran Bagenal,

Introduction to Magnetospheric Physics 1 Introduction to Magnetospheric Physics 2 Homework Solution

Amitava Bhattacharjee,

Magnetic Reconnection

Amitava Bhattacharjee,

Magnetic Reconnection and Energy Conversions

Eric Donovan,

The Substorm: An Introduction to the Topic in the THEMIS Era The Substorm: An Introduction to the Topic in the THEMIS Era Primer Homework

John Dorelli,

Earth’s Magnetosphere Homework

Robert Ergun,

Magnetosphere: Reconnection & Substorms, Part 1

Terry Forbes,

Magnetic Energy Conversion Processes in the Sun and Planets Homework Solution

Tim Fuller-Rowell,

Frank Toffoletto,

Solar Wind/Magnetosphere Coupling Homework

Vytenis Vasyliunas,

Planetary magnetospheres Homework Solution

Vytenis Vasyliunas,

Application of ECP I: Magnetic (Sub-)Storms, and Planetary Counterparts

11 | Energization of Trapped Particles

Janet Green

Amitava Bhattacharjee,

Basic Plasma Concepts and Models

Joe Giacalone,

Galactic Cosmic Rays: Sources, Propagation, Entry Throughout Solar System Galactic Cosmic Rays: Sources, Propagation, Entry Throughout Solar System Homework

Janet Green,

ECP II: Energization of Trapped Particles in Planetary Radiation Belts

Michael Liemohn,

Energization of Trapped Particles Homework

Dana Longcope,

Why do the Earth & Planets have Ionospheres? Magnetospheres?

Dana Longcope,

Why Does the Earth Have a Magnetosphere, Radiation Belts & an Ionosphere?

Dana Longcope,

Why does the Earth have a Magnetosphere, Radiation Belts & an Ionosphere?

Merav Opher,

Yuri Shprits,

Radiation Belts Homework

12 | Flares, CMEs, and Atmospheric Responses

Timothy Fuller-Rowell and Stanley C. Solomon

Stephen Bougher,

ITM Physics of Terrestrial Planets (Including GMD Couplings from Above and Atmospheric from Below) Homework

Eric Donovan,

The Substorm: An Introduction to the Topic in the THEMIS Era The Substorm: An Introduction to the Topic in the THEMIS Era Primer Homework

Tim Fuller-Rowell,

Tim Fuller-Rowell,

Ionosphere thermosphere response Homework Solution

Tim Fuller-Rowell,

EM Flare Radiation and Atmospheric Response: ITM and Chromosphere

Rod Heelis,

Introduction to ITM Processes Homework

Stan Solomon,

Orbital Seasons, Radiative Transport, Ionization, and Chemistry in Planetary Outer Atmospheres

13 | Energetic Particles and Manned Spaceflight

Stephen Guetersloh and Neal Zapp

Daniel Baker,

Energetic Particles and Their Impacts Around the Heliosphere

Doug Biesecker,

Effects of Space Weather & Mitigation Strategies

Bill Murtagh,

General introduction to Heliophysics: Society

Harlan Spence,

Particle Effects on Humans and Biological Tissues - PP Particle Effects on Humans and Biological Tissues - PDF

14 | Energetic Particles and Technology

Alan Tribble

Daniel Baker,

Energetic Particles and Their Impacts Around the Heliosphere

Daniel Baker,

Space Weather Effects - PP Space Weather Effects - PDF

Doug Biesecker,

Effects of Space Weather & Mitigation Strategies

Bill Murtagh,

General introduction to Heliophysics: Society

Alan Tribble,

Particle Interaction with Technology