Resources by Theme
Please view the presentations and videos form the lectures given at the Heliophysics Summer Schools, sorted by theme. The themes are grouped into three main sections:
- Cross Cutting Themes
- Domains
- Impacts
Click on a theme below to see all presentations in that theme:
Cross Cutting Themes
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Timothy Bastian | Radiative Signatures of Energetic Particles
Ben Chandran | Solar Wind: Particle Distribution Functions
Randy Jokipii | Cosmic Rays
David Klumpar | Detection of Energetic Particles
Marty Lee | Particle Acceleration in Shocks
Solution |
Michael Liemohn | Energization of Trapped Particles
Yuri Shprits | Radiation Belts
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
John Dorelli | Earth’s Magnetosphere
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Amitava Bhattacharjee | Dynamo Theory: Basics
Nicholas Featherstone | Stellar Dynamos
Nicholas Featherstone | Planetary Dynamos
Dana Longcope | Why do Sun and Planets have Magnetic Fields?
Matthias Rempel | Creation and Destruction of Magnetic Fields
Solution |
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Amitava Bhattacharjee | Magnetic Reconnection
Amitava Bhattacharjee | Core Lecture 2: Kinetic Theory | |
Amitava Bhattacharjee | Basic Plasma Concepts and Models | |
Amitava Bhattacharjee | Introductory Lecture I: Basic Plasma Concepts/Plasma Models | |
Ben Chandran | Solar Wind: Particle Distribution Functions
Marty Lee | Particle Acceleration in Shocks
Solution |
Dana Longcope | Shocks in Heliophysics
Dana Longcope | Magnetic Reconnection
Merav Opher | Shocks in Heliophysics
Solution |
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
David Klumpar | Detection of Energetic Particles
Dana Longcope | Orbital Mechanics | |
Jon Sample | In Situ Instruments and Measurements
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Daniel Baker | An Overview of Heliophysical Exploration
Janet Kozyra | The Complete Disturbance: Energy Transport
Sten Odenwald | Space Weather: Impacts, Mitigation & ForecastingSpace Weather and Its Societal Impacts
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Lika Guhathakurta, Ryan McGranaghan, Andres Munoz-Jaramillo | Big DataArtificial Intelligence for Space Exploration and All Humankind Applications of Deep Learning in Heliophysics |
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
David Burgess | Shocks and Energetic Particles: Corona, Wind, Planets, Solar System
Solution |
Janet Green | ECP II: Energization of Trapped Particles in Planetary Radiation Belts
Norbert Krupp | Comparative Energetic Particle Environments (SEP/GCR/Local) | |
Yuri Shprits | Radiation Belts
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Stuart Bale | Stellar and Solar Winds
Ben Chandran | Solar Wind: Structure and Turbulence
Ben Chandran | Introduction to Turbulence and Heating in the Solar Wind
Ofer Cohen | Coronae, Heliospheres and Astrospheres
Jack Gosling | Structure and Evolution of the Three Dimensional Solar Wind
Solution |
Justin Kasper | The Solar Wind
Solution |
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Mihaly Horanyi | Dusty Plasmas in the Solar System
Margaret Kivelson | Interaction of Moons, Asteroids, & Comets with their Surroundings
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Tim Fuller-Rowell | Ionosphere thermosphere response
Solution |
Thomas Immel | Ionosphere Part 1
Thomas Immel | Ionosphere Part 2 | |
Dana Longcope | Why do the Earth & Planets have Ionospheres? Magnetospheres?
Jan Sojka | Planetary Ionospheres
Jan Sojka | The Ionosphere-Thermosphere
Stan Solomon | Ionospheres of the Terrestrial Planets |
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Ulrich Christensen | Planetary Magnetic Fields and Dynamos | |
Nicholas Featherstone | Planetary Dynamos
Dana Longcope | Why do Sun and Planets have Magnetic Fields?
Sabine Stanley | Planetary Dynamos: Updates & New Frontiers
Solution |
Sabine Stanley | Dynamos in Planets and Stars
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Fran Bagenal | Planetary Magnetospheres
Eric Donovan | The Substorm: An Introduction to the Topic in the THEMIS EraThe Substorm: An Introduction to the Topic in the THEMIS Era Primer
John Dorelli | Earth’s Magnetosphere
Robert Ergun | Magnetopshere: Reconnection & Substorms Part 2 | |
Robert Ergun | Magnetosphere: Reconnection & Substorms, Part 1
Nicholas Featherstone | Planetary Dynamos
Michael Liemohn | Energization of Trapped Particles
Dana Longcope | Why do the Earth & Planets have Ionospheres? Magnetospheres?
James Slavin | Planetary MagnetospheresPlanetary Magnetospheres (part 2)
Frank Toffoletto | Solar Wind/Magnetosphere Coupling
Vytenis Vasyliunas | Planetary magnetospheres
Solution |
Vytenis Vasyliunas | Application of ECP I: Magnetic (Sub-)Storms, and Planetary Counterparts
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Debra Fischer | Characteristics of Planetary Systems 1Characteristics of Planetary Systems 2
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Chuanfei Dong | Living with Stars and Societal Relevance
Nicholas Featherstone | Stellar Dynamos
Terry Forbes | Models of Flares and CMEs
Terry Forbes | Magnetic ReconnectionCME's and Flares
Philip Judge | Physics of the Solar Chromosphere
Dana Longcope | Why do Sun and Planets have Magnetic Fields?
Dana Longcope | Why does the Sun Have a Corona and a Wind?
Karel Schrijver | The Solar Atmosphere
Speaker | Year | Presentations |
Caspar M. Ammann | Solar Variability and Earth’s Climate | |
Juerg Beer | Evidence of external influences on planetary climates | |
David Brain | Climates of Terrestrial Planets 1Climates of Terrestrial Planets 2
Donald Brownlee | Planetary HabitabilityThe Drake Equation | |
Thomas Crowley | A Vintage 2009 Assessment of the Sun-Climate Connection in Paleoclimate Records | |
Greg Kopp | Solar Variability and Earth’s Climate
Jan Sojka | Long-Term Evolution of the Geospace Climate